The Demo 2000


This is my very first blues-rock recording from 2000. It contains some of my most loved songs and some of my favorite musicians played on it. With Eric Stark on keys, Lester Estelle Jr on drums, and Jeremy Wordon on bass.

The Demo includes my favorite performance of the song Love Running After Me. I love the tone on the guitar solo that was played on my first real guitar a 1960s Gibson SG Jr that my dad traded a car for so I could have a guitar. I still own the guitar and it can be heard on many of my other albums.

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This is my very first blues-rock recording from 2000. It contains some of my most loved songs and some of my favorite musicians played on it. With Eric Stark on keys, Lester Estelle Jr on drums, and Jeremy Wordon on bass.

The Demo includes my favorite performance of the song Love Running After Me. I love the tone on the guitar solo that was played on my first real guitar a 1960s Gibson SG Jr that my dad traded a car for so I could have a guitar. I still own the guitar and it can be heard on many of my other albums.

This is my very first blues-rock recording from 2000. It contains some of my most loved songs and some of my favorite musicians played on it. With Eric Stark on keys, Lester Estelle Jr on drums, and Jeremy Wordon on bass.

The Demo includes my favorite performance of the song Love Running After Me. I love the tone on the guitar solo that was played on my first real guitar a 1960s Gibson SG Jr that my dad traded a car for so I could have a guitar. I still own the guitar and it can be heard on many of my other albums.

The DEMO 2000 - Jimmie Bratcher 

Jimmie Bratcher ℗ © Ain’t Skeert Tunes 2001

On March 1, 2000, Sherri and I resigned from our positions as associate pastors at one of the fastest-growing churches in America, because we had this dream in our hearts. What was the dream? To be honest, at the time we didn’t know. We just knew it was time to follow the voice that said “something different was about to happen”. At the time I was playing very little, however, the desire still burned in my heart and wouldn’t go away.

In early 2000 our dear friends Larry & Peggy Howard invited us to be part of a national prison campaign. In order to be accepted, I had to submit some recorded music and have some backing tracks to perform with, in prison. So, I rounded up some local musician friends and we headed into the studio. With a limited budget and even less recording experience for me, we emerged with 6 songs that I would use as backing tracks during my prison performances. 

As I was finishing up the engineer Larry Gann insisted that I do not stop with just backing tracks, but that I record vocals and lead guitar on the 6 songs. It took me 1 ½ hour to record vocals and lead guitars on all 6 songs. 

The finished songs became known as The DEMO. Soon I found myself sitting at my computer duplicating CDs one at a time and printing labels. I would sell the CDs at my live performance for, get this, $25.00. With The DEMO the purchaser would also receive a copy of the finished album to be released on July 1, 2001. 

The DEMO to me is raw, I played out of time, some of the guitar tones aren’t the best. However, I consider it to be one of my best works. I would like to share it with you. If you will use the coupon “FREEHONEY” it will be my gift to you. 


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