Dear Friends,

There are 2.4 million people who are incarcerated up in America. That is 2.4 million fathers, mothers,  sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters. Making the prison population the 4th largest city in America. It’s like the entire population of Houston TX, is locked up. Yes, many are very bad people and need to be locked. But here is something you may not know. Up to 97% of them will at some point be released back into our communities.


Those statistics are shocking and sad. What happened that we are the most incarcerated country in the world? Well, rehabilitation has failed. Recidivism rates are as high as 75%. Meaning 75% of the 97% that will be released will re-offend and return to prison. We need a new plan. What we need is something that starts at the source. Something that starts in the heart of the criminal. That is our plan, to take the power needed to transform the heart. We call it “The Transformation Tour.” 

Houston, TX

Houston, TX


“The Transformation Tour” uses music to get in the doors, behind the bars and in connection with those who desperately need and desire transformation. Music is a great tool used by all the great revivalist who helped evangelize the world.

When we reach an inmate we make your city a safer place. There will be fewer drug dealers, robberies, rapes, and murders. Those who were once corrupting society will become lights that reach and prevent others from entering a life of crime.

God has opened a door for us that few people ever get a chance to walk through. My team and I will reach those that few people will reach... and they'll want to hear what I've got to say after the music opens the door. What door? The door to the heart of someone who Jesus was more than willing to lay down His life for. 


June 6 through June 14th is the 2020 “Transformation Tour.” The crew and I will be in Kansas ministering in 10 prison events. Taking the gospel straight to the heart of those who need transformation most. As many as 4,000+ men & women will hear the gospel and many, I believe will be transformed.  Will you put your faith with ours? Will you help us to reach thousands with the Gospel? How? By your faith praying and believing with us and by giving. It will cost $15,780.04 to do these 12 events. That is $1,315.00 per event.  

This is purely a mission’s event. We are reaching into a culture that Jesus specifically asked us to visit. He called them “the least of these”. These mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters are worth the effort and expense. So would you help? Would you send us? You can donate here, or send a check to,
Connect Ministries, KC
PO Box 901495
Kansas City, MO 64190

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your friendship. 

Peace, Blessings & Harvest,