The First Fuzz Pedal
It all begins with an idea.
It first happen in 1960 during the recording of Marty Robbin’s classic hit “Don’t Worry About Me”. Here’s the story about the first fuzz pedal creator, Glenn Snoddy.
“In 1960, Snoddy inadvertently discovered the fuzz pedal effect while working on a session for Robbins. In the middle of the song “Don’t Worry,” Grady Martin’s bass guitar started making a distorted sound because the transformer in the amplifier blew up. Snoddy later constructed a guitar pedal that would replicate the fuzz tone, which would later become a crucial element in what is now known as “The Nashville Sound.” The effect became massively influential in rock music.” [1].
When covering “Don’t Worry About Me” on my album “This is Blues Country” I tried on all the tracks to stay true to the original melodies. When it came to “Don’t Worry About Me” I had to stay true to original fuzz sound during the solo. So I actually stacked two fuzz pedals on the track. I used the first pedal I ever owned. My parents bought it for me for Christmas in the late 1960’s, UMI Buzz Tone then stacked on top of that my Keeley Electric Mud making for one huge fuzzy mess of tone.
Glenn Snoddy passed away recently at the age of 96. His contribution to rock & roll music is still being heard today. Every time you here a fuzzed out guitar it’s because of him.
Here is a link to my cover of “Don’t Worry About Me”.
I received this yesterday from one of the chaplains who is hosting one of the events on The Transformation Tour.
Dear Friends,
I received this yesterday from one of the chaplains who is hosting one of the events on The Transformation Tour.
“Jimmie a huge thank you to you and the team for all of the planning, logistics, work, financing, travel, prayer, etc. etc. etc. that has gone into this huge undertaking. We anxiously look forward to everyone being here at ECF. God bless you all.”
Dale L. Bailey, Chaplain
ECF Spiritual Life Center
Ellsworth, Kansas
I was awaken in the middle of the night thinking about this email and praying for the men. I had a vision of the impact of the power of The Holy Spirit on their lives as they hear The Gospel. The impact of transformation was happening in their hearts. I saw mothers, sons, daughters, marriages, homes, families, radically transformed, because of a moment when these men were in prison and Jesus visited them.
Would you to join us in this story of transformation? We are a halfway to meeting our budget of $14,000.00. You can be the hero that sends us, would you be so bold as to give a gift and make it possible for us to reach these who will perish if we don’t reach them.
Many, many thanks,
The Biggest Victory EVER!!!
Our identity is the biggest victory ever. Many times the Bible asks this question, “who are you?”. They asked Jesus, John the Baptist and others this question.
Our identity is the biggest victory ever. Many times the Bible asks this question, “who are you?”. They asked Jesus, John the Baptist and others this question. It is the root of all temptation and until you settle what you are going to believe about you, you will never really experience all that is already yours in Jesus.
The fall of man wasn’t about his disobedience it was about what he did or didn’t believe about himself. If he would have fully believed that he was already “created in the image of God” he would have never fell for the lies of the subtle serpent.
Jesus’ temptation was all around His identity. “If you are the son of God” do this or that. The devil was trying to get Jesus to prove His identity by His performance. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been trapped by that one. After all it’s by faith we are born again and made a new creature.
Our identities are always set from an outside source. God made us that way hoping we would choose Him and allow Him to define us. Now that we have believed the Gospel and been made a new creature we must renew our minds to the truth about our new identity in Jesus. Nothing is more important.
My friend, Pastor Clint Byars has written a blog to help us all believe the truth about who we really are. Here is a link. I would encourage you to bookmark this page and read it often. Get these New Testament truths into you heart, meditate on them, write them down, do anything you can to renew your mind to the truth that you are “In Christ”
Dream Acceleration
You have a dream, right? Do be afraid, it’s okay!
Dream Acceleration,
You have a dream, right? Do be afraid, it’s okay! Is there something you can do to accelerate your dream? The answer to that is yes. In this message I will reveal one of the greatest principles to get your dreams in high gear.
PS, I have three other messages in this series, click here.